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人基质Gla蛋白(MGP) ELISA试剂盒

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人基质Gla蛋白(MGP) ELISA试剂盒试剂准备 :1、使用前,所有的组分都要至少复温 120min,确保充分复温到室温。 2、浓缩洗涤液:从冰箱取出的浓缩洗涤液,会有结晶产生,这属于正常现象,水浴加热使结 晶完全溶解。浓缩洗涤液与蒸馏水,按 1:20 稀释,即 1 份的浓缩洗涤液,添加 19 份的蒸 馏水。 3、底物:底物液 A 和 B,在使用前,按 1:1 体积充分混合,混合后 15 分钟内使用。订购流程:1) 在线客服/网站留言/E-mail/电话(Tel)2) 确认产品名称、种属、样本、以及是否需要代测(免费代测)3) 确认产品价格、数量、规格、是否需要开具发票(顺丰包邮送货上门)4) 签订合同,办理款项,我司安排仓库发货5) 确认收货。人基质Gla蛋白(MGP) ELISA试剂盒常见问题解答:

1.问:我的标准曲线看起来很好,但我没有在样本中得到预期的信号,这是为什么?答:样品可能不含分析物。矩阵效应可能掩盖检测。确保按照我司试剂盒中说明书进行稀释。稀释,前请检查以确保稀释操作正确。过度稀释可能导致样品低于标准曲线的范围。Q:My standard curve looked fine, but I didn’t get a signal in my sample when I expected to, why?A:The sample may not contain the analyte. A matrix effect may be masking the detection. Ensure that the recommended dilution was followed as stated in the kit insert. If dilution was recommended, check to be sure that the dilution was performed properly. Over-dilution may cause the sample to fall below the range of the standard curve.


Q:How do you recommend I wash my plate?A:If you are using an automated plate washer we recommend that the calibration be checked on a regular basis, and that the system is flushed with the Plate Washing Buffer prior to washing. The same is true for a manual washer. A repeater or a wash bottle can also be used. The user should be careful to ensure that all of the contents are aspirated and the plate tapped dry on lint-free paper.12.jpg

关键词: 精细化学品,化学试剂,其他化学试剂
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