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Loctite AA 3298

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核心提示:Loctite AA 3298


LOCTITE? AA 3298 is a yellowish opaque, high strength structural bonding adhesive liquid which has very good adhesion on glass and has good impact resistance. It has a fixture time of 3 min, a service temperature range up to +120°C and a shear strength of 26 - 32 N/mm?.Loctite 3298适用于粘接结构钢或钢板,其中遇到连续或重复的负载,例如, 金属家具,容器和门。
Loctite 3298 is a toughened acrylic adhesive intended for high strength structural bonding.
Loctite 3298 is suitable for bonding structural or sheet steel where continuous or repeated loading is encountered, e.g. metal furniture, containers and doors.

关键词: 精细化学品,工业润滑油
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