万国企业网 » 新闻资讯 » » 正方体框架式鱼礁钢模具混凝土鱼礁石模具简单介绍


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The size of the square frame type fish reef steel mold is relatively large, and overall, it is difficult to operate. Therefore, the mold is made into separate parts, and the entire mold is divided into several small pieces for production. This is very simple when making the mold or when using the mold, and it is easy to make by hand, without having to move the entire mold back and forth, When disassembling the mold, the mold is also disassembled piece by piece.

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  • 联系人:王刚
  • 电话:15720001423
  • 地址:河北省保定市莲池区东金庄乡后辛庄村
  • 手机:15720001423