按照当前鱼礁模具生产工艺来说,全部使用二保焊制作的,而焊接又分为点焊以及满焊两种,在模具焊接中,个别的地方会满焊,大部分都是点焊模式。鱼礁岛模具的使用全部都是预制的,而且会根据具体的使用次数,既可以自然晒干,也可以进行蒸汽养护工程。According to the current production process of fish reef molds, all are made using secondary welding, and welding can be divided into spot welding and full welding. In mold welding, some areas will be fully welded, and most of them are in spot welding mode. The use of fish reef island molds is all prefabricated, and they can be naturally dried or steam cured according to the specific number of uses.