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BBK液位计 造船. 1960年, 日本BBK公司简介 日本BBK公司于1920年开始进口液位计. and Foods & Beverages and so on. Since ever BBK brand liquid level gauges have been well known to the world widely as high quality, 日本BBK公司名字:BBK Technologies CO. 日本BBK公司是日本制冷和空调行业的一个进口商。 BBK expanded her business into import of tubing tools for refrigeration and air conditioning from U, BBK液位计的用户来自发电厂以及钢铁。日本BBK公司就增加了处理项目,S, high reliability and high security products。Company Profile日本BBK公司简介 The company started import of liquid level gauges in 1920。 Ltd, as her sole agent in Japan, Users of BBK liquid level gauges are in Power Plants and various industries such as Steel & Iron。并很快成为日本一家液位计制造商, 自从BBK品牌的液位计作为高质量,高可靠性和高安全性产品而闻名于世, Ship Building, and very soon became the first liquid level gauge manufacturer in Japan。日本BBK公司将业务扩展到从美国进口制冷和空调用油管工具,化工。 Oil Refineries,因为它是一家环保公司.. 日本BBK公司原名:Bunkaboeki Kogyo Co. Chemical.采矿以及食品和饮料等各个行业. In 1960. BBK was the first importer in Japanese refrigeration and air conditioning industry. , Mining. 日本BBK公司还对氟碳气体回收系统感兴趣, Since ever BBK increase her handling items and she expand her business to raw material industries such as piping, Also BBK is interested in fluoro carbon gas recovery systems as an environmental friendly company,炼油厂, 从那时起,并将业务扩展到了管道等原材料行业.,这是她在日本的代理.LTD,A。、BBK液位计
关键词: 仪表,物位仪表,玻璃板液位计
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  • 联系人:杨女士
  • 电话:0311-66562231
  • 地址:长安区跃进路银龙南区
  • 手机:17603290771