边坡锚杆框架梁模具采用现场浇筑的生产方式,使用过程比较简单.提前在沙地上预埋上钢筋,然后固定住模具,并对模具浇筑上混凝土浆料,然后使用盖布对模具进行遮盖,防止其水分蒸发过快,对其进行自然养护,让其能够凝固。主要用于河道、山体边坡等地方,护坡效果明显 内部可以种植草木可以美化环境。The slope anchor rod frame beam mold is a structural mold used to fix and reinforce slopes, and its design inspiration comes from the structural principle of frame beams. It is made of high-strength materials and has the characteristics of stability and durability, which can play an important role in mountain protection.