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控制电缆KVVP22 4*4

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2023-12-16  浏览次数:3
核心提示:控制电缆KVVP22 4,控制电缆,通讯电缆,计算机电缆,HSGWP22-2*5L

控制电缆KVVP22 4*4 

型号 Type 名称 Name

  KVV 铜芯聚绝缘及护套控制电缆

  Cu conductor PVC indulated and sheathed control cable

  KVV22 铜芯聚绝缘钢带铠装聚乙烯护套控制电缆

  Cu conductor PVC insulated Steel tape armoured PVC sheathed control cable

  KVVP2 铜芯聚绝缘聚护套铜带屏蔽控制电缆

  Cu conductor PVC insulated and PVC sheathed copper tape screen control cable

  KVV22 铜芯聚绝缘聚护套钢带屏铠装控制电缆

  Cu conductor PVC insulated and PVC sheathed control cable with steel tape armmour

  KVV32 铜芯聚绝缘聚护套钢丝铠装控制电缆

  Copper conductor PVC insulated control withh fine steel wire arnour

  KVVR 铜芯聚绝缘聚护套控制电缆

  Copper conductor PVC insuated flexible control cable

  KVVRP 铜芯聚绝缘聚护套编织蔽控制电缆

  Copper conductor PVC insuated and sheathed flexible control cable with sheeted

  ZR-KVV 铜芯聚绝缘聚护套阻燃控制电缆

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